3 Tips For Conceiving With Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

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Reasons You Need to See Your OBGYN

Many women do not get the health care they need because they are so busy taking care of work, home and family that they put themselves last. Unfortunately, this can end badly for everyone. My name is Emily, and I am an OBGYN specialist. I meet too many women who do not see an OBGYN unless they are pregnant. Any adult woman should get routine care and testing, especially if she is sexually active. I hope this blog will educate you on the need to see your doctor or health care provider and will encourage you to make that appointment today.


3 Tips For Conceiving With Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

4 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common underlying cause of infertility in women. If you have been diagnosed with PCOS or believe you have the condition, it may be time to speak with your gynecologist about ways to increase your chances of conception.

Speak With A Nutritionist

Since PCOS is often related to insulin resistance, speaking with a nutritionist can help you establish an eating plan that reduces elevated insulin levels and possibly reverses PCOS. Depending on your nutritionist, they might suggest a more standard approach, such as improving your health by adopting a low-fat diet. Some might encourage you to limit your intake of carbohydrates, either focusing on complex carbs or reducing your carb intake altogether. Generally, reducing insulin resistance requires a diet similar to people with diabetes, which is usually low-carb. Depending on your current weight, your nutritionist might also suggest that you attempt to shed extra pounds. If you are significantly overweight, especially if you have other health problems beyond PCOS, your nutritionist might want to discuss the option of bariatric surgery.

Consider Fertility Treatments

Fertility treatments should only be considered after you have made strides to improve your health and weight or if you are already living a healthy lifestyle and have PCOS. Usually, the initial steps in fertility treatments consist of encouraging your ovaries to produce eggs with medication. Other medications that may be used are ones to encourage a regular cycle, such as taking specific hormones. You will likely need a specific medication and testing regimen, which can include testing to determine if you have ovulated. For some women, inducing regular ovulation and a normal menstrual cycle can allow them to conceive. If these infertility treatments are unsuccessful, you may need the assistance of an infertility specialist who can offer more options.

Try Ovarian Drilling

If beginning fertility treatments are not successful because your ovaries continue to make cysts, you might consider ovarian drilling as an option. The procedure is done laparoscopically, and small holes are made in the ovaries. This causes controlled damage to parts of the ovary that may encourage them to begin ovulating again after healing. When successful, you might conceive, but also you may continue to have normal cycles again for several years. In some cases, ovarian drilling is not successful, and even if it does allow you to conceive, the problem may return again later.

PCOS can be a significant hurdle on the road to conceiving. Changing your lifestyle is a start to reversing PCOS and possibly starting or expanding your family. Check out a website like http://www.centraliowaobgyn.com for more information and assistance.