About Me
Reasons You Need to See Your OBGYN

Many women do not get the health care they need because they are so busy taking care of work, home and family that they put themselves last. Unfortunately, this can end badly for everyone. My name is Emily, and I am an OBGYN specialist. I meet too many women who do not see an OBGYN unless they are pregnant. Any adult woman should get routine care and testing, especially if she is sexually active. I hope this blog will educate you on the need to see your doctor or health care provider and will encourage you to make that appointment today.


The Benefits Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

30 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Hormone replacement therapy is commonly used in women who produce less estrogen than before because of things like menopause. Hormone replacement therapy can be given in a few different ways, such as in pill, cream, gel, spray, or ring form. Hormone replacement therapy has a number of benefits. Read on for a few of these benefits to see if this is the right treatment for you. Reduce The Symptoms Of Menopause Read More …